What is Red Hat OpenStack Services on OpenShift



Install OpenStack services — Installation Guide documentation

The installation of individual OpenStack services is covered in the Project Installation Guides that are available at the following locations.


OpenStack是一個自由、開源的雲端運算平台。它主要作為基礎設施即服務(IaaS)部署在公用雲和私有雲中,提供虛擬伺服器和其他資源給使用者使用。該軟體平台由相互關聯的 ...

1.2 OpenStack Services

OpenStack is built as a set of distributed services. These services communicate with each other, and are responsible for the various functions expected from ...

什麼是OpenStack? 優勢和元件

OpenStack 由用於管理和建立雲端平台的開放原始碼工具組成。 OpenStack 的用途為何? OpenStack 為您提供基礎設施即服務(IaaS) 工具,可讓您按需部署虛擬機器(VM)。

Learn about OpenStack services and their functions

OpenStack is a collection of open source projects designed to work together to form the basis of a cloud. OpenStack can be used for both private and public ...

What are OpenStack Services?

OpenStack is a cloud computing platform that allows users to effectively plug and play components to build it to fit their uses.


OpenStack is an open source cloud computing infrastructure software project and is one of the three most active open source projects in the world.


OpenStack 是採用集中式虛擬資源來建構及管理私有雲和公有雲的開放原始碼平台,而構成OpenStack 平台的各項工具則稱為「專案」,負責處理運算、網路、 ...

OpenStack services

The OpenStack project is provided under the Apache 2.0 license. Openstack.org is powered by Rackspace Cloud Computing.


TheinstallationofindividualOpenStackservicesiscoveredintheProjectInstallationGuidesthatareavailableatthefollowinglocations.,OpenStack是一個自由、開源的雲端運算平台。它主要作為基礎設施即服務(IaaS)部署在公用雲和私有雲中,提供虛擬伺服器和其他資源給使用者使用。該軟體平台由相互關聯的 ...,OpenStackisbuiltasasetofdistributedservices.Theseservicescommunicatewitheachother,andareresponsibleforthevario...